
My tribute to "Hi Five"

Because this television show allows me 30 minutes where I don't have to:

Pick up all the cups, plates, glasses and paraphernalia that Gabriella is able to liberate from the one cupboard we are having trouble childproofing;

Ensure that Gabriella is not climbing on furniture and trying to hurl herself through windows and over railings;

Ensure that Gabriella has not climbed onto the dining table on the deck to retrieve the dry cat food that she and the dog then decide to share;

Ensure that she is not trying to escape from the deck;

Ensure that she is not drinking from the dog's water bowl;

Ensure that she has not found a box of tissues and toilet paper which she then loves to release with equal abandon (she is very dextrous and remove 20 tissues in about five seconds flat);

Ensure that she is not spilling her milk or water from her spoutcup and playing in the mess;

Ensure that she is not playing dress-ups in her own clothes from the dirty clothes basket and strangling herself in the process (see above where she has managed to get her pyjama pants around her neck);

Ensure that she is not climbing into her pram;

Ensure that she is not standing up and climbing out of her highchair;

Ensure that she is not spreading her food all over the house;

Ensure that she is not trying to get her little leg over the edge of the bath tub so she can play with the bath toys;

Ensure that she is not climbing on the lounge to play with the cords on the blinds;

Ensure that she is not playing with any cord-like object that she loves to drape around her neck;

I was very happy to discover in the new year that this show is able to provide me with at least 30 -40 sanity saving minutes in which I am able to actually do something for myself!

As you would guess I loathe hearing people decry television shows and children. I don't sit my son or daughter in front of them 24/7 but just once in a while I like a break from keeping her out of so much trouble.


At 8:43 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i totally know what you mean! lola is also capable of much mischief if left unchecked. unfortunately, she doesn't seem to be as enamoured of the telly as her big brother was/is. it rarely holds her attention for longer than 10 mins. what a bummer! max could always be guaranteed to sit there quietly for an hour, so mummy could have some peace and quiet. no such luck with lola. she just rampages around the house regardless of whether the telly is on or off.


ps. i loved the previous photo of the wonderfully gnarled tree!

At 10:32 am, Blogger Amanda said...

Hi K, Elliot loves television too much too. I have to limit him on that quite a bit. I wonder if Max was alot like him - reserved and stuck quite close by whenever we went out. This girl of mine is such a contrast she knows no fear and its quite frightening for me when I realised the other day just how many times in the course of a day she endangers herself. I simply cannot let her out of my sight for more than a minute. She definately keeps me on my toes.

At 8:33 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

TV is the preserver of sanity. Soy and I could not function if it were not for Thomas, Shrek or Brum. We have a rule that Zac can't watch TV until after 5.30pm, at around midday he starts asking 'is it 5.30 yet?'


At 1:45 pm, Blogger Jellyfish said...

I am with you all the way. I don't like it when kids watch too much, but there's something to be said for the nice ritual of them settling down to watch something special for a while every day.

High Five crack me up. They are so darn boppy, I'm sure they're all on mood-altering drugs. And the songs, once in your head, they NEVER LEAVE! 'We're on a magic caaar-pet...' 'L-O-V-E, I love you and you love me...' Aaaaauuugghh! At least unlike the Wiggles they don't have those bizarre interludes with the Irish dancers/leprechauns. What is THAT alll about?

At 2:20 pm, Blogger Amanda said...

I remember first time round with Elliot, one day P and I were making a bed we lifted the sheet and looked across at each other and spontaneously burst into a High Five song though I can't remember which one it was now, I will always remember that moment. I agree while those songs are playing in your house its all you can recall. We have had a break for a few years now which has been great, but this time round we decided no Wiggles. That annoying "wake up Jeff" sequence is NEVER fun, as soon as you put your head down for a few zzzs your child will inevitably find you and start yelling in your earhole "WAKE UP JEFF" "WAKE UP JEFF" No Not funny at all.


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