
The Dog

We have had Buddy now for 9 years and the comments we get most about him are, naturally, what is his breed and how old is he. Some of our guests have commented that the inhabitants (inclusive of the pets)of our household seem to hold their age well. (Of course I didn't tell them about the secret room where we keep a portrait of each of us.)

P and I chose Buddy the year we became engaged and picked him on the basis of his looks - there are few dogs that look like him. He is a medium sized dog about 18 kgs and brindle in colour. He was purchased on the premise that he was of Keeshond and German Shepherd cross extraction. However, from various comments made by others we have come to think he may also be Kelpie. He is certainly strong with limitless energy (though mellowing finally) very smart, a great guard dog and good with the children. He has matured into a very cool dog.

If people say that owners look like their pets then the same may certainly be said of Buddy and me - we are both exotic looking mongrels.


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