
My goodness

so neglectful of my other world. It's not that I don't think about it, because there have been many times when I have thought about writing something when it was happening, but then upon returning home after a busy day of writing, or just a busy family day, I just can't bring myself to sit down in front of the computer... again.

I did the kiddie run this morning and although Gabriella turned up in my bed at 5.30amish, I didn't budge out of bed until 6.45am, that is a particular time which I recognise as being the latest I can stay in bed. For if I linger any longer, instead of cutting things fine, I am definately unlikely to leave the house by the ETD of 8am.

As soon as I was up I knew I had to make every second count, so before I could even leave the bedroom to release the dog I made my bed then moved straight into the kitchen to provide breakfast for Gabriella, while preparing my lunch, Elliot's lunch and Gabriella's, at the same time ensuring Gabriella didn't leap from her high chair. Then I made Elliot breakfast and asked him to eat it at the dining table away from the television. My rules are no television until he has finished his breakfast, dressed in his uniform and brushed his teeth. Although he knows the rules he still fought against my asking him to have his breakfast in another room.

I then prepared my breakfast. No time for my breakfast though, there are children to change out of pyjamas so find the clothes for the day, chase down Gabriella who regards the removal of her clothing everytime as an incentive for streaking. After they were taken care of, then and only then could I sit to have my breakfast at the dining table while I multi-tasked (again) and assisted Elliot with his homework. Then it's clean up the kitchen, find Elliot's soccer kit, Gabriella's pyjamas for that night and pack our bags with the lunches made previously.

Before my shower I decide to make Elliot's bed too. I look at my watch and it's 8am - what have I been doing, how could I have wasted so much time! I better revise my latest time to linger in bed, I am probably out by a good 20 minutes given that I wanted to leave the house at this time and instead I am still unshowered, in my nightie and big fluffy slippers and can't recall wasting a moment.

By the time I have showered, changed and applied my make-up, Gabriella is exhausted and starts to cry, Elliot refuses to listen to my many polite requests to brush his teeth until, I, given the furious pace of my morning finally combust and shout at him:

"WILL YOU PLEASE BRUSH YOUR TEETH!" I begin a tirade of "Why don't you like being asked nicely? Why do I always have to get mad before you do what I have asked?

I think I have heard this before, yes I am channelling my mother yet again!

At one stage when cajoling Elliot to eat his breakfast instead of watch television I said to him that next week while on holidays I don't care how much morning television he watches because we won't have to be anywhere by a particular time.

As my holiday approaches I am now questioning why I only decided to take one week off, given it is my first major break in the year since I returned to worked after having Gabriella (except for Christmas and that holiday comes with it's own unique pressure). I am allowing Elliot a break from school other than a scheduled holiday so it's not as if I would have allowed him 2 weeks off, but this morning I realised just how important it is that we as a family have a break from this furious morning routine for more than 9 days because if it's not me doing all the above then it's Paul (I do help him a little though as I don't have to leave as early as he does) carrying the burden.


At 2:50 pm, Blogger Amanda said...

It is almost like a full day's work as anyone with children knows, before we get to work. If that tightly run routine is broken by something unforseen happening it always seems to signal a day that will be compounded by more misfortue. My friend (my boss) had a morning the other week which involved a broken washer on their shower which morphed into her having to influence the repairing of a father and son relationship to boot. Holidays are just soooo needed for families!


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